Patrick has an appointment in Seattle!
We received a call from a nurse who works with the heart failure specialists at the University of Washington and she scheduled him for April 20th. He will have labs drawn at 11am, an echocardiogram at 12pm, and the appointment with Dr. Mahr at 1pm.
This is fantastic news! Unexpected, but fantastic! It's unexpected because we were told the referral for the heart failure specialists had to come from the electrophysiologist. Apparently he was so booked, and Patrick's condition so severe, that they skipped a step. Now it's unclear whether he will see the electrophysiologist at all.
But that's neither here nor there. Due to the detrimental effects to Patrick's blood pressure that the previous ablation procedure caused, and because they are certain his current v-tachs are coming from scar tissue, Patrick is not a candidate for a second ablation. So the follow-up with the electrophysiologist was just proper procedure.
Thank God they are making an exception!
I have no idea what is going to happen at this appointment, with Patrick, or after the appointment. I don't know if they will send him home or keep him. But we will keep everyone updated here!