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Stay The Course

Haley Holland

Just a little update for you guys.

Patrick is doing better. Yesterday he said he felt 20% better, but then last night he attempted to use his c-pap and it set him back. Now we know he can't use it until his lung issues are completely healed.

It was a rough night, and I'm exhausted.

The good news is we finally got his antibody testing back, and his level of DSA is 1,500, which is going in the right direction! He won't need another infusion, thank God.

As of right now we are to stay the course, and to focus on getting him rest and healing. He has his ups and downs, but if his recovery were a line graph it would have a definite upward trend.

Those dips, though... Damn.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and keep sending those positive vibes!



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