I was thinking about this just this morning. The effect cold air has on Patrick - not our unique brand of humor 😆 There was a time back in 2005 when he could barely make it from the front door of Fred Meyer to our car, parked in the closest handicap spot to the front of the store. Collapse was a real fear, because I was either hugely pregnant or holding a newborn around that time. There would be no way for me to rescue my own husband and I would have to call for help. I still don't know why cold air was such a debilitating factor, so if anyone knows the specifics of that, please enlighten me. But I have waited for that to be the case over the last fourteen years and haven't seen it as bad as it was back then. Perhaps now with the declining health of his heart it will make a reappearance. We don't know what the future will bring. We don't know if Patrick will make it to the heart transplant, nor do we know if he will receive one and be around for another twenty years. But we do know our support network is vast, like a fishing net that covers the entire continent of North America and beyond. We feel your support - every prayer and every positive thought aimed in Patrick's direction. And we give thanks in our prayers every day for all of them, and for our friends and family. 💕
