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U-Dub Snafu - Trip Postponed

Haley Holland

Patrick didn't go to Seattle today and his appointment has been rescheduled.

Yes, we are disappointed.

No, we couldn't control this.

No, we are not out of our minds with stress.

The travel wasn't figured out in time, and we're not quite sure who exactly dropped the ball on that one. But as Grumpy Cat says, it is what it is.

God's got this. We are calm and collected. Maybe that is because he is already rescheduled for May 9th, May 11th, and May 13th for ALL of his appointments - the echocardiogram, the heart failure specialist, and the electrophysiologist. He will be gone longer, but everyone will be on the same page.

In the meantime he will continue losing weight somewhat unwillingly, we will aim to keep stress levels down so we don't induce any v-tachs or a-fibs, and we will find humor in every day life, and make each other laugh until we cry happy tears.


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