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We Have A Plan

Haley Holland

I have been waiting to give an update on the actual transplant list but there hasn't been any new developments, so I will list here what we know so far (spoiler alert: it's not much). 1) We haven't received any paperwork yet. We have heard just getting the paperwork/application can take one to six months. 2) When we do, apparently they will need character references. We don't know how many, but for those interested, Patrick will be conducting interviews and there will be an application packet due... Just kidding. But seriously, flex those muscles because we may be calling on some of you 🥰 3) We have been hearing that they always deny you the first time. I don't know if this means the second application will take another six months. When I know more I will put another update here. But we're almost guaranteed a denial the first time around. 4) Once approved, Patrick will be moving to Seattle. It's the only way to guarantee his spot on the list should a heart become available. Alaska is simply too far away to count on purchasing a ticket and flying out in the very short window allowed when a donor heart is waiting. If Patrick is still in AK they WILL give it to someone else. That's all we know, folks. I wish it wasn't so up in the air; so uncertain. I wish there was a guarantee Patrick will make it to the list. But we never know what the future holds for us. Until then, your prays and positive thoughts are appreciated!


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