It has been a week since Patrick's second transplant call and we are slowly getting back into the New Normal groove of life. It's different this time around, because whereas December 22nd felt like a fluke - (what are the chances he would get a call after just two and a half weeks of being on the list??) - January 13th felt like divine intervention.
The universe wants Patrick to have a heart, and in a big way.
So while we know another call might not come in for a month, two months, or more, we are attempting to live for all eventualities including receiving another call this very minute.
We have thus far declined most offers of help. A couple friends have given us funds that we set aside for emergencies. We are eternally grateful for the individuals in Seattle who have given Patrick a home away from home, family away from family, and who have added to their own financial burdens in the spirit of kindness and generosity towards someone they know nothing about.
Alaska Airlines has become an extension of our family. Their unfailing support since that first transplant call has been constant and invaluable. The travel difficulties they have mitigated by stepping in when we needed them are too numerous to count. Our appreciation of our hometown airline knows no bounds.
And a certain nephew has arranged a Go Fund Me without our knowledge, and graciously offered to use it to pay for our shop rent for the next few months. Not having that bill on our plate has taken a burden off our minds, and has highlighted the areas of our life where we are now feeling the pinch of Patrick's absence.
With that in mind, for the foreseeable future we have chosen not to turn down offers of aid. We are breaking a family rule and are not taking this decision lightly. (And it goes without saying that we will find opportunities, as we like to do anyway, to pay these kindnesses forward in our near, more stable future).
Patrick is maintaining his diet of mostly vegetables while in Seattle and has found a Safeway several blocks away, within walking distance. He still likes shopping at Fred Meyer and has his prescriptions filled in Seattle at Costco. Gift cards for these three stores, as well as cards and care packages, can be sent to Patrick's post office box at this address:
Patrick Holland
PO box 12052
Seattle, WA 98102
Locally, if anyone would like to gift the kids and I with cards to Fred Meyer and Costco, where we purchase 99% of our groceries and 100% of our gas, we can meet or they can be mailed to our shop address:
Haley Holland
535 2nd Avenue Suite #103
Fairbanks, AK 99701
To those of you who have already donated to the Go Fund Me, and to the Cyberlynx fundraiser arranged by Jami Martinson (I saw that, Jami!!), thank you. I can't say it enough - that the generosity and care displayed by our families, friends, and those of you who caught wind of our story by some other means, has blown us away.
The end goal of course is a new heart for Patrick, and a new lease on life so he can go on spreading his infectious good humor and positivity for decades to come. To those of you physically, verbally, financially, emotionally, and spiritually holding our hands, thank you. Thank you from our entire family.